Comedy History through the Decades Series
Wednesday, October 166:00—8:00 PMFriends Meeting RoomWimberley Village Library400 FM 2325, Wimberley, TX, 78676
with Gary Zupancic
Comedy in film 1910-1970. Enrich the love of film comedies, starting with silent films through the 1960s. See how each decade reflects society.
Each segment will feature assorted film clips of comedies from each era, and a complete movie will be featured.
September 18: 1910 The Silent Era - Film from its beginning in America until 1919
October 16: 1920 Talkies - appear at end of 20s and ends the Silent Era
November 13: 1930 Radio and lm - Crosby, Hope, Benny Emerge, Marx Bros, WC Fields, Three Stooges
December 11: 1940 - War and Peace
No Registration Required